Energy Dynamic Solutions
Energy Dynamic Solutions is a Veteran owned business with 16+ years’ experience in energy related business development and performing energy engineering services. Our experience includes client identification, scope development, proposal presentation, contract negotiations and ongoing client relations. Engineering services include on-site energy audits, calculating savings for energy conservation measures and generating cost estimates. EDS is proficient with various energy analysis software programs as well as Energy Star Portfolio Manager.
EDS has been responsible for performing over 275 energy projects, we also offer extensive experience assessing energy conservation and renewable energy potential of the following type of projects:
Covid-19 Compliance: Certify safe operation per specific mandates for HVAC and water building systems.
Performance Contracting: Evaluate potential PC opportunities from initial client contact, energy engineering, contract administration; project management, M&V and contract close out.
HVAC measures: boilers, air handlers, chillers, cooling towers, heat recovery, demand control ventilation, hot water temperature reset, night setback, variable speed drives, building management systems. IT facility- specific
Industrial process energy system analysis:
Cogeneration: evaluate facility/Campus potential, sizing, energy savings potential and predicted life cycle costs
Electrical measures: motors, lighting/controls, occupancy sensors, power factor correction, tariff analysis
Compressed air system measures: leak survey, compressor replacement, controls, identification of misapplications
Plumbing measures: low flow restroom fixtures, irrigation controls, piping insulation, water heater replacement
Building envelope measures: wall/roof insulation, window replacement/ upgrade, door seals
Specialty measures: HUD required TREAT modeling
Alternative energy measures: geothermal, photovoltaic solar power, wind, combined heat and power, biomass power, demand response curtailment
Retro-Commissioning-Energy Auditing: NYC LL87 Agent Reg#000418
EDS has assessed types of facilities:
Commercial buildings
Municipal complexes
High rise office structures
Community centers
DPW buildings
Ice rinks
Pump stations-Waste Water Plants
Public safety complexes
Fire stations
Emergency management centers
K-12 schools
Police stations
IT facilities
Health departments
Higher education/campus analysis
Industrial facilities
Industrial systems
Co-generation plants
Subsidized housing complexes
New York City Energy Services:
LL87 Compliance:
Energy Audits and Retro-Commissioning
An Energy Audit is a survey and analysis of energy use in a building with the purpose of identifying opportunities to reduce the amount of energy consumed without negatively affecting the operations. Retro-commissioning is the process of ensuring that the energy systems in an existing building are installed as per the design intentions, functionally tested, and capable of being operated and maintained, according to the owner’s operational needs.
Applicable commercial, mixed-use and residential buildings must submit an Energy Efficiency Report (EER) once every ten years. Owners are obligated to submit their EER in the calendar year in which the last digit of the year coincides with the last digit of the building’s tax block number.
LL84 Compliance: LL84 requires annual benchmarking data to be submitted by owners of buildings with more than 50,000 square feet for public disclosure by May 1. This will bring transparency for energy and water usage and inform building owners and tenants on how to make their buildings more efficient.
LL97 Compliance Planning:
On May 18, the City of New York enacted Local Law 97 of 2019—the most ambitious climate legislation for buildings enacted by any city in the world. The new law places buildings on a path to meet the city’s goal to reduce overall carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050. Buildings represent nearly 70 percent of those emissions.
Certified Energy Manager- CEM#7945: Association of Energy Engineers
Certified Building Commissioning Professional-CBCP# 1330: Association of Energy Engineers
Distributed Generation Certified Professional (Cogeneration/Micro-Grid)-DGCP#84: Association of Energy Engineers
Certified Energy Auditor-CEA#1320: Association of Energy Engineers
NYC Registered Energy Auditor and Retro-commissioning-DOB Agent #000418 NYC DOB

Let’s Work Together
We’re always looking for new opportunities. Please get in touch and one of our project managers and we will contact you about beginning the proposal process.